
About Us
GreenBar123 is a Supplier of green sustainable low carbon reinforcement materials manufactured by Basanite Industries. Our products are made from basalt rock, melted down at 1500° F, and drawn through platinum dies. The fine fiber reinforcement is an alternative to steel and fiberglass for reinforcing concrete. Made from volcanic rock, Basalt rebar is tougher and more robust than steel with higher tensile strength. Much lighter than steel, 75% percent in fact! GreenBar123 is not only changing the future but protecting it. Basanite materials are environmentally friendly. BasaFlex™ rebar has less than 1/10th the carbon footprint of steel. IN 2021, the CSA included explicitly Basalt Fibers in its design guidance. FDOT design guidance provides basalt FRPs the same equivalent as glass FRPs.
Our Products
Size & Weight
Linear Foot
BasaFlex™ Bar Size Weight per Linear foot
#3 (3/8") 10mm 0.114
#4 (1/2") 13mm 0.218
#5 (5/8") 16mm 0.305
#6 (3/4") 19mm 0.418
#7 (7/8") 22mm 0.492
#8 (1.0") 25mm 0.718
Standard Straight Bar Sizes: 10', 20' & 40'
Non-Standard Cut Lengths Available with cut charge:
All Shapers & Bends are priced per job at this time

· BFRP Rebar is very Eco-Friendly. According to ACMA, the American Composite Manufacturing Association has demonstrated that the production of BasaFlex™
· BFRP Rebar has less than 1/10th the carbon footprint of steel
· Basalt has the lowest environmental impact in the Life-Cycle Assessment compared with other FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) rebars.
· Basalt fiber is all natural and produced from stone, with no additives typically found in other materials such as glass fiber.
· Additional LEEDs contributions are found in transportation and handling. Steel requires four Truckloads vs. 1 for BasaFlex; Steel requires special equipment to unload vs. none for BasaFlex, and 50% more time and labor to receive and unload the exact same number of steel rebar compared with BasaFlex Rebar.
Contact us:
500 West Putnam Ave
Suite 400
Greenwich CT 06830
Call us at:
Phone: (203) 542-7300